Travel Nursing With a Family – 5 Reasons Why it Works

Travel Nursing With a Family – 5 Reasons Why it Works

5 Reasons why travel nursing with a family is more than possible but beneficial.

  1. You can spend the Holiday season with them.

    That’s right. When travel nursing with a family you can take any Holliday off that you’ve negotiated for. Take a vacation over Christmas, Thanksgiving, or even Flag Day if you want!

  2. They don’t have to worry if you’re happy at your job or not.

    Of course, they probably will anyway. But hey, it’s only 13 weeks. You can survive 13 weeks in your sleep if it’s the worst assignment ever. You may end up loving every second of it, most travel nurses do.

  3. Maximize vacation as much as possible!

    This one is for the spouses and children. After each 13-week assignment, you can take a long vacation or a short one. With travel nurses making more money than staff nurses, the choice really is up to you! Sometimes we just need a break!

  4. Automatic health insurance.

    It’s true! First-day health insurance is a real thing, and you can put everyone’s mind at ease knowing that you and your loved ones are covered.

  5. Your family will see the world.

    Every parents’ dream is to ensure their children see the world, learn about other cultures, and decide for themselves where they want to raise their own family. Travel nursing with a family gives you the opportunity to do all of that…and that’s your JOB!

In short, Travel Nursing with a family is more possible today than ever. Travel nurses make more money and have more chances to negotiate for flexible schedules. Travel nursing also gives you the opportunity to expand your horizons and learn about potential places to live long term.

If you want to read about travel nursing with children click here

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